Investor's update
- Newspaper Publication_2025.03-06
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2024.09.30
- Newspaper Publication_2024.10.08
- BM Outcome_2024.09.30
- BM Outcome_2024.06.30
- Newspaper Publication_2024.06.15
- Newspaper Publication_2024.06.08
- 74(5) Compliance_2024.06.13
- AGM Postponement Intimation Letter
- Reg 30 Intimations_2024.05.16
- Newspaper Publication_2024.05.18
- BM Outcome_2024.05.16
- 74(5) Compliance_2024.04.11
- Closure of Trading Window_2024.03.27
- Investor Information_2024.03.13
- BM Outcome_2024.02.14
- Newspaper Publication_2024.02.16
- BM Outcome_2024.02.14
- 74(5) Compliance_2024.01.13
- Closure of Trading Window_2023.12.28
- Newspaper Publication_2023.11.16
- BM Intimation_2023.11.14
- Reg 30 Change in Compliance Officer_2023.11.01
- 74(5) Compliance_2023.10.11
- Newspaper Publication_2023.10.05
- Closing of Trading Window_2023.09.30
- Reg 30 Outcome Sale of shubh khera Unit Land_2023.09.26
- BM Outcome_2023.09.14
- Addendum to Board meeting updates
- Newspaper publication of Financial results_2023.06.30
- Updates regarding the Board meeting held on 2023.08.14
- Outcome of Board Meeting_2023.08.14
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of DP Regulations 2023.06.30
- Closure of Trading window 2023.06.30
- Change in directorate_2023.05.30
- Appointment of Internal & Secretarial Auditor 2023.05.30
- Newspaper publication of Financial results_2023.05.31
- Outcome of Board Meeting_2023.05.30
- Change in directorate_2023.04.19
- Announcement under Regulation 30 of SEBI (LODR) Regulations 2023.04.19
- Certificate under Regulation 40(9) of SEBI (LODR)Regulations 2023.04.19
- Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (LODR)Regulations 2023.04.11
- Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (DP) Regulations 2023.04.06
- Closure of Trading window 2023.03.31
- Newspaper publication of Financial results_2023.02.09
- Appointment of CS_2023.02.08
- Resignation of CS_2023.02.08
- Outcome of Board Meeting_2023.02.08
- Press note dated 2023.02.01
- Newspaper publication of Financial results_2022.11.15
- Appointment of Secretarial & Internal auditor_2022.11.14
- Outcome of Board meeting_2022.11.14
- Newspaper publication for 31st Agm_2022.09.07
- Outcome of Board meeting_2022.09.02
- Newspaper publication of Financial results_2022.08.13
- Outcome of Board meeting_2022.08.13
- Outcome of Board meeting held_2022.05.30